The College
The Grand Association College was founded more than 160 years ago and continues today with its mission of giving children a quality education while at the same time instilling values in the Christian tradition using innovative methodologies keeping our students needs in mind. The College offers an integrated, active and individual education. The School has set out to encourage students to take an interest in their surroundings in an active way and to help prepare them to face all the challenges of society in the 21st century.
Ongoing staff training and research, projects such as our bilingual programme and the implementation of the latest technologies are all fundamental to the educational project of the Grand Association College. The Grand Association College has its own particular and modern educational focus which places our college right at the forefront of education in Spain.
The Grand Association College was founded in 1853 by Don José Vicente Fillol, a distinguished professor at the University of Valencia. Our founder was quickly joined by many dignitaries from Valencian society such as The Marquis de Campo, the Marquis de la Romana, Cardenal Payá and the Count of Trigona. By 1866 our College had gained so much prestige that the acclaimed architect Sebastián Monleón constructed the main part of the College that we know today and subsequently we have enjoyed visits from Queen Isabel II, Queen Victoria Eugenia, King Alfonso XII, Amadeo I de Saboya and the Infanta Isabel de Borbón.
In 2003 Juan Carlos and Sofia became Protectors of the Grand Association and more recently King Felipe and Queen Sofia invited one of our pupils to an audience as a representative of high school education in the Valencian Community.
The City Council of Valencia awarded our College the prestigious Gold Medal in 2010 in public recognition of our long and successful history. Because of its history the Grand Association College is a very special institution and at the same time intimately interwoven into the fabric of the City of Valencia, making us perhaps the most Valencian of all schools in our city. The beautiful interior still gives a sensation of calm, erudition, and relaxation, which you only get with historical schools.
Character of the College
The Grand Association College takes a holistic approach to education which means that sincerity, fairness, equality, respect for others, a sense of responsibility forms the values on which we base the education of our students. Our aim is building our students´ self-esteem within a strong academic community which we achieve through our dedicated and professional staff and by offering the facilities necessary to bring out our students’ individual talents and strengths. We help our students to have a caring attitude towards other students and thus provide them with a personalised and thorough education to a very high standard.
The Grand Association College is ideally located in the heart of Valencia’s historical centre facing the Turia Park and just a few metres from the magnificent Serrano Towers, the city’s impressive medieval gates. We are also just a short walk from the Virgin Square and Valencia’s cathedral and town square.
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The organization
Gran Asociación de Beneficiencia Domiciliaria
Ntra. Sra. de los Desamparados
D. Juan Carlos Soto
Dña. Adela Querol
D. Juan Ramón Lozano
Academic Formation
At the Grand Association College we consider our students as unique individuals and with this in mind, our staff work together to get to know all our students on a personal basis and so help them to improve in all areas of their education.
Each student has an assigned personal tutor to guide them and to help them develop as individuals. The personal tutors are fundamental and this is one of the aspects which differentiates us from other schools. Their value is in knowing their students personally and maintaining continuity throughout their educational journey. The full collaboration of parents is vital to the education of our students. The study habits we encourage inside the school need to be supported at home and in this way we help create students with their own criteria capable of helping to make a more just world and able to make the right decisions in life. At the Grand Association College these goals and principles are shared by parents, students and teachers alike.
The Grand Association has always recognised the importance of guidance counselling for its students as part of its flexible and student-centred approach to education.
For this reason our guidance counselling department is recognised and authorised by the Valencian Ministry for Education. Guidance counselling is fundamental to students in their education and helps detect possible problems that may impede their success. The following are the principle aims of our guidance counselling:
Coordinate support activities and curricular adaptations for students with special needs.
Provide information and guidance to students both collectively and individually.
Prepare activities, strategies and guidance programs for the school, for individuals and staff.
Carry out psycho-educational evaluations of students with special tests adapted to the level of the students.
Collaborate with the team of directors, form teachers and teaching staff in different activities and programmes carried out by the College.
Facilitate cooperation between families and the College.
School insurance covers all manner of possible accidents that might occur during the school year both inside the school premises and also for school trips including the journey from students’ homes to the College and vice versa.
Should a student become ill at school we phone the family so that they can take them to a medical centre, except in the case of an emergency. The school insurance covers public liability with respect to our students. Obligatory School Insurance (Third and Fourth Grade of Secondary and High School). The school insurance provides the following:
01 / Accidents at school
Full medical assistance to students, admission to hospital, surgery and financial compensation in case of permanent injury or death, depending on the circumstances. School accidents are taken to mean any accident which occurs to all student-related activities.
02 / Tuberculosis
Hospitalization and medication for both bone and lung tuberculosis for up to three years.
03 / Surgery
With the exception of emergencies, assistance must be applied for three months before hospitalization.
04 / Neuropsychiatry
In cases of schizophrenia, drug addiction and severe psychopathic disorders with institutionalisation for a maximum period of one year. It includes post-institutionalisation care for a period of six months, which may be extended.
05 / Family misfortune
In cases of family misfortune, that is to say, death of the head of the family or economic insolvency in the household. Students receive a subsidy for each of the natural academic years they have left to do before completing their studies. This service should be requested each school year as Extension of Family Misfortune, until the completion of studies.
06 / Rehabilitation
This includes the costs of functional rehabilitation when this is prescribed, as a result of school accident or surgery, with a general limit of 30 sessions.
The school dining room is a complementary service which the owning body of the College perceives as both a service to families and an important part of the education of the students.
The menus are prepared daily and are drawn up based on dietetic guides and recommendations established by higher bodies, through which the nutritional requirements are estimated.
Meals are analysed to guarantee that our menus comply with Health Technical Regulations.
Our students, apart from receiving a balanced and rich diet, are taught table manners and the older children dine with china tableware and napkins rather than using a tray.
The centre has a child minding service available for pre-school and primary pupils from 8 to 9 in the morning. In September and June this also runs at midday from 13 to 14 hours.
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En septiembre y junio este servicio se amplía al mediodía, de 13 a 14 horas.
Native English teachers use songs, stories, games and other materials to help our students´ progress in this essential global language.
This activity introduces students to acting, placing a special emphasis on voice skills, memorizing dialogue and the preparation of costumes.
This boosts students’ attention spans, memories, spatial visualization and many other mental and social skills as well as mental agility, the imagination and creativity.
Not only does our dance school introduce children to the world of dance but also develops their bodies and sense of rhythm, coordination, muscle tone and flexibility, artistic capacities as well as stimulating their imaginations.
The Grand Association Sports club allows our students start playing basketball at an early age. Basketball is an ideal sport for children as it helps them develop their sense of balance, ability to concentrate, self-control, self-confidence, quick reactions and flexibility. The Grand Asociation Sports Club has gained much prestige in its category and its players have been taking part in important competitions in Spain for many years now.
As an addition to the language program, the Grand Association College organises international exchanges with different European countries.
We see these exchanges as very important for our students in both personal and academic terms and for the College to establish international connections. These exchanges help our students improve their foreign language skills and to learn to respect people from other cultures. Exchange students visiting our College follow the school timetable and have at their disposition the same facilities as our own students. This is reciprocated by the colleges our students visit abroad.
*For more information, please see the special section European Activities.
Standards in Quality
Since its beginnings, The Grand Association College has taken a strong interest in quality standards and innovation in education.
We are pioneers in the implementation of quality standards and procedures among schools in Valencia and have been members of the Network for Quality Education in the Valencian Community for many years. In 2001 our Department of Quality in Education was set up in order to instigate our Quality Plan under the guidance of the Instituto de Técnicas Educativas de la Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (CECE). Since then, the Grand Association College has achieved the standard Reconocimiento a la Excelencia del Sistema de Gestión (European Model EFQM) for its quality in education. We are working with quality consultancy firm Bureau Veritas Quality who audit the College with the objective of obtaining further levels of excellence. Our Quality Department is continually analysing the efficiency of our organisation in order to make improvements in all aspects of school life.
Institutional Relations
Framework for collaboration agreement Estudi General with the Universitat de Valencia since 1999.
A collaboration agreement with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia since 2002.
A collaboration agreement with the Universidad Cardenal Herrera – CEU since 2003.
A collaboration agreement with the Universidad Católica San Vicente since 2003.
A framework for collaboration agreement with the VIU since 2012.
A framework for collaboration agreement with the UIMP since 2012.
A framework for collaboration agreement with the ESIC since 2008.
Framework for collaboration agreement since 2012.
CECE – Spanish Confederation of Schools and Colleges
The Grand Association College is a member of the CECE through its place on the board of the FCEC Federation of Education Centres of the Valencian Community.
Collaboration agreement with the Chamber of Commerce of Valencia.
Our high school students and former students maintain the voluntary work structure of the Malta Assistance Foundation.
The director of our college represents important business organisations on this advisory council.
European School Heads Association.
European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training.
European Council of Nacional Associations of Independent Schools.
(Organisation Internationale pour le Droit à l´Education et la Liberté d´Enseignement). European organisation which defends the right to education and freedom in teaching.